Vertical Bacterial Transmission


Most parents think they are being only helpful by trying their children’s food before serving it to them.  We want to make sure the temperature is just right and everything …

Transitioning from Bottle to Straw


Some babies go right from breast feeding to a straw cup and some are formula fed from the start and have known a bottle since day one.  There are also …



Your child’s first tooth is a sign that he/she really is growing up! When that little guy pokes through the gums, the pictures will be absolutely adorable.  Unfortunately, along with …

Sugar Free Gum


There are lots of snacks that we ask parents and patients to steer away from…anything sticky and sugary is usually a no-no. However, there is a sticky, sugary treat that …



Teeth are most prone for cavities within their first months and years in the mouth.   This makes children and teenagers the most likely population to develop decay in the depressions …



Our number one priority as a parents is to keep our children happy and SAFE! We treat every child in our office as though they are our own.  When we …



Along with the sunshine of summer comes Coxsackie season. Most parents have never heard of Coxsackie until one of their children is diagnosed with it at the pediatrician’s office.  What …

Bottled Water


If you read our blog regularly, you know that we post often about fluoride and fluoridated water. What can we say, we love how great it is for you and …

Fluoride Mouth Wash


We have long recommended the routine use of a fluoride mouth rinse as a part of daily oral health care. The fluoride from mouth wash is absorbed into the tooth …



Today we are going to talk about a topic that a lot of kids and parents rolls their eyes at…flossing! There are tons of excuses not to floss! People claim …