Bottled Water


If you read our blog regularly, you know that we post often about fluoride and fluoridated water. What can we say, we love how great it is for you and your teeth. A lot of our families drink a ton of bottled water vs. tap water. If you are a bottled water family, it’s important to note whether or not the water you’re drinking contains fluoride in it. Many bottled waters do supplement with the cavity-fighting fluoride vitamin, but some do not. Make sure you check yours so that you are getting the optimal daily amount.

For more information on bottled water brands with fluoride, check out this link:

IBWA Brands Containing Fluoride

Brand Website Quality Report Online
Alhambra DS Services Yes
Arrowhead Nestle Waters North America, Inc. Yes
Belmont Springs DS Services Yes
Crystal Rock Crystal Rock, LLC and Vermont Pure Holdings Ltd Yes
Crystal Springs DS Services Yes
Deer Park Nestle Waters North America, Inc. Yes
Diamond Springs Diamond Springs Water Co. Yes
Hinkley Springs DS Services Yes
Ice Mountain Nestle Waters North America, Inc. Yes
Kandiyohi Premium Waters Inc. Yes
Kentwood Springs DS Services Yes
Mayer Bros. Mayer Bros. Apple Products Inc.
Mount Olympus DS Services Yes
Nursery Water DS Services Yes
Ozarka Ozarka Water and Coffee Service
Poland Spring Nestle Waters North America, Inc. Yes
Pure Flo Pure Flo Water Company Yes
Puritan Springs Puritan Springs Water
Shenandoah Shenandoah Corporation Yes
Sierra Springs DS Services Yes
Sparkletts DS Services Yes
Zephyrhills Nestle Waters North America, Inc. Yes