The Dental Abscess


When there is either trauma or the introduction of plaque and or bacteria into the tissues of the mouth, there is potential for infection. Sometimes you will see a small …

Early Orthodontic Treatment


When we were younger, children were not often recommended to visit the orthodontist as early as seven or eight years old.  Dentists usually waited for all of the adult teeth …

Oral Ulcerations


Sometimes patients come in complaining that they aren’t able to drink or eat. When parents note no history of recent trauma and there is no cavity noted, this usually stems from …

What Not to Say


We all try our best to help our children navigate their ways through this new and unfamiliar world. For a child, the world is full of firsts. In our office, …

Fluoridated Water


We often get questions about whether the tap water in NYC has fluoride and if it is safe to drink for children. Today, we will talk a little about the …

Dental Trauma


As our kids go from crawling to walking to running, there are lots of falls along the way. At first, we stand behind them, trying to prevent a tumble with …

Brushing Technique and Timing


To be honest, sometimes we still time ourselves to make sure we’re brushing for a full two minutes in the morning and at night. When there are kids running around …

The Frequent Snacker


We have talked before about some of the different risk factors for getting cavities. In addition to consuming foods that are obviously high in sugar and acid values, the frequency …

What’s In Your Cup?


Living in NYC, it has been beaten into our heads as parents and consumers that soda is a major factor contributing to obesity, diabetes, and cavities. Mayor Bloomberg’s ban on …

Over Retained Teeth


Usually, baby teeth become loose as the replacement adult tooth in the bone begins to push it’s way out.  Most commonly, once the baby tooth and it’s root get dissolved …