A sealant is a plastic material (BPA free resin) applied on the chewing surfaces of the back teeth. The resin flows into the grooves of the teeth. Once the pits and grooves are covered, food and plaque cannot get in. The sealant forms a barrier against acid attacks which promote cavity formation.
The adult teeth most susceptible to cavities are the first and second adult molars. These teeth have deeper pits and grooves that trap plaque and bits of food. Being the most posterior teeth, these pits and grooves are hard to keep clean because toothbrush bristles cannot get into them. However, any tooth with grooves or pits may benefit from sealant placement.
Sealants are applied in one visit. The teeth are conditioned for the sealant application and the sealant is painted directly on the chewing surface of the teeth. A special light may be used to help the sealant harden.
Make sure your child still brushes and flosses daily and keeps their regularly scheduled recare appointments. Although sealants are a wonderful adjust to your child’s preventive oral health plan, poor hygiene and severe grinding may cause them to wear and chip. They may need to be reapplied to continue to protect your child’s teeth.